Sunday Reading - #cook90 2018

As I mentioned a few days ago, on the 30th, I was curious about the promotion I came across for #cook90 and was awaiting the details and weekly encouragement to arrive in my inbox. What I didn’t know, was that the program ended the next day, running January 1-31, which I found out when the “Let’s celebrate, it’s our last day” email arrived.

Nevertheless, there was a link taking me to all the shopping guides and recipe ideas for the plan. The focus was on lighter “healthier” dinner entrees. Unfortunately, I didn’t see ideas for breakfast and lunch, as originally marketed. I was a bit underwhelmed with the execution of the actual plan, nevertheless the idea of all-home-cooked meals from fresh ingredients for every meal is a fantastic idea and still worth pursuing.

Until next time...

Culinarily Yours, 

Mrs. Chef (Christa)

Olives in the Making