Sunday Reading - Bouchon Bakery

Last week I decided to join the baking club (Facebook group) as they were planning to next explore Thomas Keller’s “Bouchon Bakery” cookbook (which we just happen to already have). Since I tackled my first “yeast” bread yesterday, I dove into reading the bread chapter. Perfect timing I’d say.

I stayed out of the kitchen completely and chose to soak in some knowledge and wisdom instead. My number one take-away was to begin using a digital scale to measure ingredients, not measuring spoons and measuring cups. Yesterday I used the scale to measure flour for the first time ever and I could see how every gram counts. The slightest little deviation in volume could make a huge difference in the outcome.

I’ve been learning from Chef Husband, over the last few months, how to understand the use of weight in commercial cooking. It has been a major paradigm shift in the way I calculate how much of an ingredient to purchase and prep, all the way to how much ends up on the plate for serving. Before, I couldn’t conceive how knowing the weight of something could work in the realm of cooking. Now I’m even considering the weight of a teaspoon of salt. It’s a whole new world.

Perhaps tomorrow we’ll turn on the scale and start a new bread project. 

Until next time...

Culinarily Yours,
Mrs. Chef (Christa)

First Focaccia